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Storage Tank

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A Storage Tank Is A Container, Usually For Holding Liquids, Sometimes For Compressed Gases (Gas Tank). Storage Tanks Operate Under No (Or Very Little) Pressure, Distinguishing Them From Pressure Vessels. Storage Tanks Are Often Cylindrical In Shape, Perpendicular To The Ground With Flat Bottoms And A Fixed Or Floating Roof. There Are Usually Many Environmentally Regulations Applied To The Design And Operation Of Storage Tanks, Often Depending On The Nature Of The Fluid Contained Within. Above Ground Storage Tanks Differ From Underground Storage Tanks In The Kinds Of Regulations That Are Applied. Storage Tanks Are Available In Many Shapes, Vertical And Horizontal Cylindrical, Open Top And Closed Top, Flat Bottom, Cone Bottom, Slope Bottom And Dish Bottom. Large Tanks Tend To Be Vertical Cylindrical, Or To Have Rounded Corners (Transition From Vertical Side Wall To Bottom Profile) To Easier Withstand Hydraulic Hydrostatically Induced Pressure Of Contained Liquid. Most Container Tanks For Handling Liquids During Transportation Are Designed To Handle Varying Degrees Of Pressure.


  • These Product are Durable, Robust and Cost effective
  • Tanks & Vessels are used for storage of chemicals, solvents & any type of liquids
  • We manufacture custom storage tanks for the chemical, pharmaceuticals and food processing Industries
  • To ensure the product quality and compliance with customer specification, all of our fabricators. Tanks & Vessels can be fabricated in various designs and options such as shape, capacity and material of content. In shape i.e. vertical, horizontal, rectangular and capsule
  • In capacity i.e. from 50 Ltrs to 15,000 Ltrs. In material of content i.e. SS 304, SS 316, SS 316L and Mild Steel

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
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